Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Digi Pak draft 2 (incomplete)

This is my second draft for creating my Digi pak, already i've seen progress and i'm finding it a lot easier to use photoshop because i'm getting used to it now. This draft is still incomplete and is likely to be my final piece once it is finished. I really like the images chosen and I think the red, black and white colour scheme really goes well with my band and its genre. The hand was originally horizontal but when playing around with the rotation tool I found that it looked much better reaching upwards.
the top left and top right panels are going to be where i have the disc slots, although this is unusual I think it will look really cool once the image of the lead singer (Harry) is put in between these two panels. I am planning to edit Harry's face by scratching out his eyes and blanking his mouth which will look really sinister and suit the album idea of being called Blind Faith. The back panel will be just black and have the song names on it because I want the majority of the colour to be on the inside, the front panel however will be a full band shot so my audience and potential buyers know who they are straight away.

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Music Video - Final Draft